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Adult Education

Co-Chairs: Susan Klein & Wendy Fleischman

Provides many varied learning experiences for Temple members including Hebrew classes, Taste of Torah, Torah Topics, field trips, Rabbi and Cantor’s mini courses, guest speakers, mini-kallahs and book and movie discussions. Explore Adult Education for more information.

Brit Olam

Chair: Nancy Bermon

Joining with HIAS. This Committee takes action to help immigrants and emigrants in our nation. For more information, visit Brit Olam.

Building & Grounds

Co-Chairs: Jeff Grossman & Barry Schoenberg

Responsible for maintaining our building and property in good order and repair, for establishing regulations for the use of the physical facilities, and for overseeing functions.

Caring & Inclusion Initiative

Chair: Eva Steen

Strives to open additional points of access for individuals and their families for whom participation in all aspects of Temple life (worship, Religious School, and programming) is limited by various challenges. For more information, including sub-committees and resources see Caring & Inclusion Initiative.


Chair: Stephen Hittman

Chaired by the Treasurer, Finance is responsible for preparing and monitoring current and long-term budget projections necessary for planning growth and maintaining sound fiscal policies.


Chair: Barry Schoenberg

Arranges for events throughout the year, which not only serves to entertain and educate but, in the process, raise money so that more and better programs and events can always be offered.


Chair: Fran Grossman

Facilitates the flow of information to congregants and potential members through local newspapers, social media, and our website. Also oversees the branding and communication of RTR.


Co-Chairs: Sharon Hittman & Michael Rutter

Disseminates information about our Temple community and its potential to prospective new members. In addition to conducting an outreach program, it strives to help all members to become an integral part of the Temple community. Membership also develops policies and programs for the retention of existing members. Not yet a member? Learn more at Membership.

Religious School

Co-Chairs: Cathy Klein & Tama Shor Beck

Along with the Director of Congregational Learning and the Rabbi, it oversees the education of our children, who represent the future of our families and our extended Jewish Community. It helps formulate educational goals for toddlers through high schoolers, and evaluates the progress of the school. It also reviews the school’s budget and the hiring of personnel. Learn more about our Religious School and our Preschool Program K’tanim.


Co-Chairs: Jodi Gischner & Judith Kiss

In consultation with clergy, the Ritual Committee, oversees the religious aspects of Temple life. Our ongoing discussions focus on the most meaningful ways we can observe and celebrate Shabbat, the holidays, and life cycle events. Learn more about RTR’s Spiritual Life.

Safety, Health & Security

Chair: Pamela Auerbach

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Social Action

Co-chairs: Helayne Pfeffer & Sue Emanuel

Informs the congregation about issues and programs whose goal is “Tikkun Olam,” the perfecting of our world. This committee organizes Temple participation in community programs, including hunger and homeless projects, interracial and interfaith dialogues, and other issues affecting the welfare of the Jewish Community in Rockland County. Learn more at Social Action.

Tue, January 28 2025 28 Tevet 5785